Daily Prayer Guide - For Justice and Anti-Trafficking
A guide to help you pray each day of the week. PRAY for needs & organizations in your local community & globally.
Join Bridges4Justice in the work of prayer with this printable daily prayer guide.
Click below to learn about Biblical Justice, Anti-Trafficking, God's Heart For Justice, Race & Issues of Biblical Justice, Trauma Healing and much more.
We have created an easily-shareable PDF that includes all of this information so that you can use it and easily share it with others!
“Seeking justice doesn’t begin at the door of a brothel. Seeking justice begins with seeking the God of justice.” (First statement in Bethany Hoag’s booklet, Deepening the Soul For Justice)
- Edmund Burke
Deepening The Soul For Justice
by Bethany Hoang, IVP
This is a small booklet written by the former director of the IJM Institute for Biblical Justice. This is a book that emphasizes the necessity of prayer and spiritual formation for all engaged or desiring to be engaged in the work of BIblical justice.
The Just Church
by Jim Martin, Tyndale Publishers
A practical guide on how to do justice and grow in discipleship ―from those on the frontlines of the battle in the world’s darkest and most dangerous places. Jim Martin and International Justice Mission are experts not only at bringing rescue to victims of violence, sex trafficking, slavery, and oppression, but also, at bringing churches into the fight, through concrete steps that actually make a difference.
The Justice Calling -
Where Passion Meets Perseverance
by Bethany Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson
The Justice Calling takes the reader into a deeper understanding of justice in the Scriptures and how and why God calls His people to engage in justice work in this broken world.
The Good News About Injustice
by Gary Haugen
The good news about injustice is that God is against it. God is in the business of using the unlikely to accomplish justice and mercy. In this tenth-anniversary edition of Gary Haugen's challenging and encouraging book he offers stories of courageous Christians who have stood up for justice in the face of human trafficking, forced prostitution, racial and religious persecution, and torture.
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