Vulnerable and broken people are found right within our own communities, often unseen and unnoticed.
They seldom enter the four walls of our churches. As followers of Christ, we need to be more like Jesus - seeking the lost and entering into their suffering for the sake of the gospel. Vulnerable and broken people will continue to fall through the cracks if we are not intentional in reaching out, connecting, building relationships, establishing trust, meeting practical needs, and sharing the love of Christ.
Pray about how you and your church can practically engage in meeting the needs of some of the hurting in your local community. It takes courage, intentionality, and prayer. But you can be confident that God will go before you, prepare the way, and open the doors.
It is best to not go it alone. Be part of what others are already doing, or work with your church to develop creative avenues to meet unmet needs in your community. It could be that several churches are already coming together to meet needs or your church could be a catalyst to bring others together.
Below is a list of vulnerable peoples groups, some ideas to help get you started, and a list with links of organizations that specialize in outreach to meet specific needs. It is an exciting journey ahead! Let us know how we can pray for you. And, we want to learn what you and your church are doing to meet the needs in your community. Email us at
Vulnerable Groups of People In Our Local Communities
- Homeless
- Single or pregnant mothers/parents
- Ex-prisoners who are now out of prison and trying to make it in society. (Note - sometimes they have been discipled in the prisons, but have no spiritual support system outside of the prison walls.)
- Prisoners
- Foster children
- Youth who are aging out of the foster care system
- High school drop-outs
- Mentally challenged
- People with disabilities
- Minorities
- The undocumented
- Individuals and families in poverty
- Adults in need of literacy assistance
- Isolated elderly
Where Do You Begin? You can’t do everything! Help Getting Started
Send us an email so we can pray for you and encourage you.
Share your heart with your pastoral leadership. Ask about any opportunities right in your own local church (example - food pantry or a family in need or mentoring or a hurting youth). Ask for any advice and for prayer.
Prayer is foundational and you can’t go it alone. Build a Gospel Justice community - even if its just 2 or 3. It can grow. Find several others who will join you regularly in praying for the vulnerable in your community as well as those around the globe. Ask God to lead you, opening doors to build relationships and meet needs locally. (Note - you might want to begin with a Bible study on Biblical justice along with the prayer. God’s Word is foundational in Gospel Justice.)
Identify local organizations that are already meeting needs in your community. Check with United Way in your community. Put local organizations on your prayer list. Consider both faith based and secular organizations. Meet to ask about needs and how you can pray for them.
Explore volunteer opportunities with organizations in your community.
Explore possible church ministries with your church leaders.
Build a relationship with leaders of a church in a minority community. Learn from them about the needs. Ask how you can pray or any ways your churches could mutually work together.
Organizations To Check Out - For volunteer opportunities or just learn from what they are doing
- Love Inc is a good place to start. They have local chapters and work with churches.
- Salvation Army has years of experience in gospel justice -
- Safe Families provides ways to come alongside families in need, helping keep families together and children out of foster care by exercising hospitality, generosity, and intentional compassion.
- Prison Fellowship has several ways to volunteer - You can also find other local organization involved in prison ministries.
- Immigrant Hope “equips churches to help immigrants find the hope of the gospel.”
- Interested in ministry to single Moms - Help is available.
- An example of a faith based urban ministry meeting community needs - . This organization started out of a church.
- Ideas for meeting needs of the homeless in your community