When Anna started the women’s training program, she never smiled. A shadow of despair and depression gripped her. She hung her head in shame, hoping others would not notice. Anna was suffering from an incurable skin condition that marred her face and her body. The stares of passersby only drained her of any little hope and confidence she had for her future. Could she ever be accepted? Then Anna heard of a training program for women where she could learn a skill. She decided it was worth the risk to try out this training.
At the training program, she was treated with dignity and respect. The trainers did not seem bothered by the skin condition and even the other women in training accepted her. She readily gained sewing skills and loved learning to make beautiful things. Anna gained confidence to speak up and even help others learn.
In addition to learning sewing skills and basic health and life skills, Anna learned that she was loved by God and beautiful in His sight. She learned she was completely accepted by God and He had good plans for her life. Anna put her faith in Jesus and personally received His great love and grace for her. The darkness of despair on her face dissipated, replaced with an inner light that shone through her eyes. Her contagious smile spread across her face. She bubbled over with a joy and love she couldn’t contain.
After Anna’s life was transformed, she invited 75 family and friends to a lunch outside of her home where she shared the good news of hope found in Jesus. Now, every Saturday, Anna invites others in the community to her home to listen to Oral Bible stories. And Anna has become a trainer in the women’s training program, teaching the oral Bible stories, health lessons, and assisting in sewing training and bringing transformation to other women. Now Anna walks with her head held high and a purpose in her steps.
Pray for Anna and others like her to find hope and new life as they gain skills and are transformed with the good news of the gospel.
(Author: Shannon)
The Woman's Holistic Training Project is a program founded and supported by Bridges4Justice. Currently the program has grown to 7 centers strategically placed in source areas of human trafficking. Each center is an extension of the local church in nearby communities and is directed by local church leaders.
If you would like to support this program you can visit our GIVE page.